
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Political Neutrality is Destroying Pop-culture

Posers by danxoneil, on Flickr

Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License
  by  danxoneil 

I'm still thinking  about how odd it is that politics and pop-culture rarely intersect.

I don't think its always been that way.  I seem to remember Saturday Night Live used to take political stances, and the old-school late night TV guys got behind candidates and causes.  Hell, once in a while a song with a message got onto the charts, or a marginally ideological hero took to the silver screen.

Letterman and Leno still take sides now and again, but they're dinosaurs now.  The young guns, Kimmel, Conan, and that irritating chirpy one, they all avoid anything political like the plague.  They make thoroughly neutral TV, full of brain dead skits that appease (not appeal) to both conservatives and liberals.  Hollywood does the same thing, you still have your loner protagonists and evil doers, but even when the world is being saved nobody ever says what its being saved from.

The great social debates of our time are nearly completely abscent from our pop-culture, and pop-culture is the only national conversation that exists.

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