
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Choosing a standout subject to write about

Right now there is a glut of low quality nonfiction books on the Amazon market.

A lot of them are pretty awful looking, many of them have MS Paint crafted covers, typo ridden descriptions, and uninteresting subjects.  That means newer writers who care about the quality of their work are tasked with rising above a tide of crappy ebooks if they want to find a readership.

One great way to start to exceed these lowered standards is to choose a unique topic.  I consider my first ebook, How To Take Over The World, to be a good example of this strategy.  The subject might not have sweeping mass appeal, but there are definitely people out there who are attracted to it, and I enjoyed writing about it.

Sure, there's more to success than just picking a neat subject, even a newbie like me knows that.

You need a decent cover, diligent proofreading, and solid research backing up your words.  Eventually, after you have the basics down, you probably need to do some self promotion.

But all of that is moot if your subject is boring and over covered.

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